Please look around and come back to our new website often for updates!

When making an online donation, you can designate your contribution to a specific project/fund by attaching a note.

Log on to our Facebook page

First Congregational Church of River Edge, NJ -- that is replacing all other church Facebook pages. Our current Instagram page is--firstcongregationalriveredge--If you don't already use these group titles, please join, "like" it and share!

Inclement Weather Policy:

Decision to cancel Sunday worship due to inclement weather will be posted on this website and Facebook

Church office voicemail will be updated

(201-261-1712 Ext 100). by 8:30 am

First Congregational Church of River Edge

109 Continental Avenue, River Edge, NJ 07649


Pastor Joe's Office Hours: T-F 9 AM - 1 PM

Office Hours: M, T, TH. 9 AM - 4 PM

Wed 9 AM - 2:15 PM

Fri 9 AM - 12:15 PM (remote)

Sunday Worship -- Service @ 10 AM

Church School (starts at 10 AM during worship until Children's Message, then youngsters are lead to their

classrooms (September-May).

Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month

with grape juice and gluten free bread.

If you can't attend in person, join us via zoom! It's as easy as a few clicks!

Click on this link:

Follow the prompts to get Zoom (Meeting ID: 892501398)

Happening This Weekend

Our 36-foot labyrinth is painted purple on three sections of heavy canvas, and takes at least three volunteers a full hour to assemble. Members of the Education and Worship Teams will convene in Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 29, at 9 p.m. to unfold each section and join them together in anticipation of walking meditators the next morning, and to set out the additional worship aids — brochures, table, cross, candles, lighting, etc. — that enhance the experience.
Church-school students will walk it first, around 10:15 a.m. Sunday, March 30, after which the worshiping congregation will be invited down to walk until 12:30 p.m. or so.
We will again staff the labyrinth from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. that afternoon for church members, friends, and the wider community. Volunteers will be needed for another hour around 7:30 p.m. to disassemble the labyrinth and store it until next time.

Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt Promises to Be "Egg-stra" Special on April 13

First Congregational Church of River Edge will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13, from 11:30 am-1 pm. The event is open to church youth as well as to youngsters in the community. In addition to the egg hunt, the Easter Bunny will pay a visit. Games and crafts too! Registration is required and on a first come, first served basis. Don't miss out -- sign up today!

FCC River Edge Hosts "Walk the Labyrinth" Community Event on March 30

On March 30, FCC River Edge will continue our tradition and host a "Walk the Labyrinth" event in Fellowship Hall. This year, not only are church members and the community invited to participate in this quiet exercise of prayer and meditation, our church youth will have their chance during Church School. Church members can "walk" after Fellowship time or come back from 4-7 PM when the community is invited.

A labyrinth is a winding path that symbolizes life's twists and turns. FCC's indoor 36' canvas labyrinth is a model of the design found on the stone floor of the Chartres (France) cathedral built around 1200 A.D.

Participants are invited to walk at their own pace; soft music and low lighting will enhance the experience. Labyrinth walkers are required to remove their shoes and wear socks to preserve the structure. Additional instructions will be provided.

Take some time out of your busy day to drop in and enjoy the sounds of silence. Please spread the word and invite your friends and family. NO SIGN UP NECESSARY


What's Happening At FCC

Honor or Commemorate A Loved One for Easter Sunday ...Show It With Flowers

white flowers
white flowers
white and blue flower in close up photography
white and blue flower in close up photography

There's no better way to honor or commemorate a loved one or friend than by ordering double lilies or hydrangea to adorn our sanctuary for our Easter Service on April 20.

As a donor, your name and who you are paying tribute to will appear in the Easter Service Bulletin. In addition, following worship you are invited to pick up your plant(s) or donate them to church members who are ill or in need or some cheer.,

Checks should be payable to First Congregational church of River Edge and designated for "Easter flowers" in the memo section of the check. Use a copy of the Flower Form and attach it to your check

Deadline for flower orders is Friday, April 11! Don't miss out. PS- If you don't want to order flowers but want to help beautify our church on Easter, you are invited to make a donation to the Flower Fund.

If you cannot find a flower form be sure to include the information on the form on your right.

Photos are for illustration purposes only.

A Message From Our Pastor

Note: We will post a new message from Pastor Joe each month on our site. Watch for more insightful words from him.

Greetings from FCC-River Edge!

One of my favorite authors, Joan Chittister, says this about community, “Community is the coming together of unrelated people for the sake of a particular vision or goal.”

Here at First Congregational Church, our vision is to embody God’s hope and love to all of our neighbors far and wide. We acknowledge the challenges of following the radical teachings of Jesus in a society riddled with fear, hate and greed.

Yet, we continue to push on! We strive for this in numerous ways as we worship and serve together, and as we work for the common good of humanity.

If you are searching for such a faith community, then please visit us or reach out to me personally. We would love to meet you!

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Joe 808-785-4822

The Reverend Pastor Joe Medlin

About Our Church

First Congregational Church of River Edge

Music Ministry

We Make A Joyful Noise

Youth/Family Ministries......Nurturing Faith That Lasts a Lifetime

Outreach/Helping Hands/Be A Volunteer

Nicole Babington, Director of Faith Formation

Our Church Staff

Slavina Zhelezova, Director of Music Ministry

Keri Lampey, Office Manager

The Reverend Pastor Joe Medlin

Post Script from Pastor Joe

After the last song is sung.....Pastor Joe reminds us: Don't let this be the last song you sing today.......and don't forget to dance!!!!!!!

When we walk into Worship on Sunday, with smiles, we are reminded that: