When the Chapel Association began, it was non-denominational but was viewed as a child of a Dutch Reformed church. In 1899, the Association became affiliated with the Congregationalists. One story says that the chief financial benefactor, Mr. Williams had a denominational preference. But the choice was also seen as a compromise. At the time one half of the church members were Dutch Reformed, one quarter Presbyterian, and one quarter Baptist. If one of those denominations had been chosen, the others would have been unhappy. Thus, Congregational was chosen.
At the cornerstone ceremonies, clergymen from Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregational, Dutch Reformed and Episcopal denominations were present and participating. The First Congregational Church of River Edge was practicing religious tolerance long before it was fashionable. The first part of the 20th century saw the addition of a Parish house, and the church school building. The old chapel was torn down and the present church structure built and dedicated in 1954.
Our church holds true to our ecumenical beginnings, remaining a church open to people from many different denominations. We welcome all who pass through our doors.