Nicole Babington
Minister for Faith Formation

Nicole Babington has been a Church School teacher for 7 years, and has served as the Interim Director of Christian Education for the First Congregational Church of River Edge since March 2017 before assuming the Minister for Faith Formation position in January 2018.

She has been a member of the First Congregational Church of River Edge for over 25 years.

Nicole is the mother of four daughters, ranging from high school to college to young adult all of whom are being raised in the Church School and remain active in the Church.
Nicole has also been an initiator and facilitator of many dynamic activities for young people and families in the congregation and has also served as a Girl Scout Troop Leader for all four daughters throughout the years.

She also works in the Office of Student Life at Bergen Community College, coordinating and planning events for the 40+ student clubs on campus.

Nicole lives in River Edge with her husband, 4 daughters, a dog and a variety of fish.