Tom (above) our fearless leading chef, and some of the folks who were cooking (and laughing) along!(below)
The dish as it progresses - healthy (spinach being added) filling and REALLY delicious!
Virtual Bingo
August 27th
Everyone had a great time!
Ice CreamSundae
June 14th!
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26th
Soup and Bread Supper
Ash Wednesday Service
Saturday, Feb 22nd
New Jersey Devils vs. Washington Capitals
The Prudential Center
Our group got recognized on the board
and got to see the Devil's WIN!
~~Renovation Proclamation~~
~~Renovation Dedication~~
While Rev. Dennis TeBeest and Moderator Russell Van Wetering listen,
His Honor, Thomas Papaleo, Mayor of River Edge, reads a Proclamation for church renovation, at Town Council Meeting on February 12th, 2020
recognizing the church as a vital part of the River Edge community.
Women's Fellowship - February 2020
Colonial Rug Hooking program, presented by expert Denise Dondiego (second from right)
~~Renovation Dedication~~
Guests and Speakers, including River Edge Mayor, the Honorable Thomas Papaleo, Mr. Doug Phelps, Owner and President of Phelps Construction, and Rev. Heather Cherrey, Moderator of NJ Association of UCC and former Interimin Pastor at FCC.
Dedication in the new enclosed Entryway
Dedication in the new enclosed Entryway
Pastor Dennis TeBeest performing the Dedication in the new enclosed Entryway
Dedication in the redesigned Commons
Pastor Dennis TeBeest in the Commons near the stained glass Shepherd's window
Dedication near the newly imaged office space, owner of our Phelps Construction contractor, Doug Phelps, , speaking
Dedication (with audience a little cramped on the stainway, but attentive) to the (perhaps unglamourouse but very important) bathrooms which allow handicapped access.
Dedication in the kitchen, where many meals are prepared monthly for up to 100 developmentally disabled members of our community.
Guests at one of the celebratory luncheon tables
Guests at one of the celebratory luncheon tables
Guests at head table for the celebratory luncheon, including his Honor the Mayor of River Edge, Thomas Papaleo, and owner of our contracting company Dough Phelps and UCC New Jersey Moderator Heather Cherrey
UCC New Jersey Moderator Heather Cherrey
Guests at the celebratory luncheon listening the Pastor Dennis
Tuesday May 7thThe Blue Chip Chorus
gave a wonderful performance to benefit our church renovation fund - They gave both our spirits and out lifts a lift! As advertised, it was Barbershop at its Best
Palm Sunday 2019
Easter Egg Hunt!
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Sunday April 7th - NY Botanical Gardens
The Orchid Show
A great group from First Congregational attended the 7th Annual Orchid Show this year, which had as its theme, a tribute to Singapore.
~~Fish 'n Chips Dinner~~
Friday, October 19th
A crowd of nearly 100 enjoyed a delicious meal of fish or chicken prepared by Tastefully British
The dinner raised money for Center for Food Action.
The young people held a tricky tray to raise money for Seeing Eye dog charities.
October 4th - Habitat for Humanity
Our Church's Team Build
9 members helped raise interior walls
And we raised $1,000 in contributions as well!
Multi-faith Study
"Our Journey Toward Redemption" held on
March 27th At Temple Avodat Shalom
It was a full house, a wonderful meal and a wonderful program.
About 20 attended from First Congregational Church of River Edge.
Those in attendance shared a potluck meal, had an opportunity to hear three brief presentations; then participants at each table spoke with each other and learned about their faith journeys.