One clear characteristic of the First Congregational Church of River Edge is our valuing of one another in community. There is an obvious loving awareness of the joys and concerns of each other's lives. Yet sometimes - in the rush of life - people and needs get missed.
So a number of FCC folks took the initiative to "mind the gap" and we have a Care Ministry - a committed (and confidential) ministry of connection and visitation with one another in our broad church community. The members of our Care Ministry seek to keep regular contact with those who might be homebound, who might be in time of need, or who might value a personal connection.
The care ministry visits will offer care, a listening ear, and the opportunity to say a prayer together. The members of the Care Ministry keep Pastor Dennis informed of special situations or requests, and allow him to focus on critical and emergency pastoral needs.
Should you wish a visiting relationship for yourself, or for someone with a need of which you are aware,
please contact