First Congregational Church of River Edge River Edge, NJ Second Sunday Group
Confirmation Program
Class of 2017-2018
May 20th - Confirmation Sunday!
April 14~April 15th -Confirmands and their mentors at their Retreat....
...followed by their visit to Evensong at
March 2nd - Confirmation Class visited Temple Avodat Shalom
April 8th - Class visited Riverside Church
April 14~April 15th - Retreat, ending with visit to St. John the Divine
May 20th - Confirmation Sunday
(starting with a breakfast for all involved in the program - mentors, families, and confirmands)

February, 2018 - Member of the Confirmation Class
Assist with the Burning of the Palms
for Ash Wednesday
January, 2018 - Confirmation Class
Climbing the Wall
Some of the members of the Confirmation class plus some mentors
-plus Pastor Dennis -
climbing the Wall at Gravity Vault, Upper Saddle River