In-Person Worship at FCC
As we enter our FCC Sanctuary for prayer and worship, here is our
guidance for in-building worshipers:
1. Masks are optional for those who are fully vaccinated but a face covering is requested for those who
are not.
2. Please arrive on time. We
wish all to be seated and silenced when the prelude
begins at 9:55.
3. You will be met at the Entryway door by a Greeter,
who will welcome you.
4. Proceed through the Entryway into the Sanctuary Narthex,
where an Usher will guide you to your seat in the
sanctuary. Please follow the ushers’ guidance.
5. Individuals may sing and participate fully in music
during worship; masks are optional.
Hymnals in the sanctuary may be used.
6. At the conclusion of the service, ushers will
assist your exit.
7. There will be an Offertory in the worship service, but
tithes, gifts and offerings will not be gathered at that time. You
may drop your offering in the collection basket in the Narthex as
you enter the sanctuary.