Congregational Church UCC, First Congregational Church of River Edge River Edge, NJ Sept 2019
September, 2019 

Sunday, Sept 1, 2019
10:00 AM -  Worship Service/ The Rev. David Pomery
Child Care for 3 years of age and younger
11:00 AM - Fellowship Time/Lemonade in the Commons


Sunday, Sept 8, 2019

10:00 AM -  Worship Service/Communion* The Rev. Dennis TeBeest
Child Care for 3 years of age and younger
11:00 AM - Fellowship Time/Lemonade in the Commons

*Gluten-free bread and grape juice is served

4:30 PM -Second Sunday

Sunday, Sept 15 , 2019
Church School Welcome Sunday
10:00 AM -  Worship Service- The Rev. Dennis TeBeest

Church School/ Child Care for 3 years of age and younger

11:00 AM -  Fellowship Time/ in Fellowship Hall

11:20 Inquirers Class (Library)

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2019

12:00 NOON ~ 1:15 PM
Brown Bags and Bibles
Book of Job and the Life of Faith - The Book and the Man
(Bring a lunch - Study begins at 12:20)
Sunday, Sept 22 , 2019

10:00 AM -  Worship Service- The Rev. Dennis TeBeest

Church School

 Child Care for 3 years of age and younger

11:00 AM -  Fellowship Time/ in Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019

12:00 NOON ~ 1:15 PM
Brown Bags and Bibles
Book of Job and the Life of Faith - An Ancient Story
(Bring a lunch - Study begins at 12:20)
Sunday, Sept 29 , 2019

10:00 AM -  Worship Service- The Rev. Dennis TeBeest

Church School/

Child Care for 3 years of age and younger

11:00 AM -  Fellowship Time/ in Fellowship Hall

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