Sunday May 24th Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven: Luke 24:44-53
The last time the disciples saw Jesus, he told them that everything that has happened was written in the scriptures. His Father had kept his promises, and they were all witnesses to this. Jesus blessed them and ascended into heaven.
Sunday, May 31st Pentecost Sunday ACTS 2:1-21
(The coming of the Holy Spirit)
When all the people were together, just as Jesus had said, fire came down from heaven and rested on each one’s head. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in different languages. Everyone was amazed as they spoke of God’s glory. Peter explains that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
These videos are a bit quirky, but tell the story in a fun way.
Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven:
The Coming of the Holy Spirit:
I have attached a color-by-number for this class.
Jesus’ Ascension and the Holy Spirit:
I have attached puzzles and a code worksheet for these lessons.
Ascension Code Ascension Color
Pentecost Word Search Pentecost Puzzle